Tuesday 9 July 2013

Horny Goat Weed V's Viagra

Horny Goat Weed V's Viagra

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone ask the question 'Does Horny Goat Weed work like Viagra?' I would have an array of classic cars sat in my garage!

The rather obvious and logical answer would be 'No' Horny Goat Weed does not work just the same as the blue pill. Why is this the obvious answer? Well if Horny Goat Weed worked in the exact same way then Viagra wouldn't exist in the first place, however... the answer is also 'Yes' Horny Goat Weed does work just like Viagra and the other major prescription erectile dysfunction treatments. So, now you're rather confused right, well let me explain.


There's a reason why Horny Goat Weed is known as the best herbal alternative to Viagra and this is because both Viagra and Horny Goat Weed tackle the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) and impotence through their ability to inhibit the enzyme PDE5 and hence allow successful transmission of Nitric Oxide and blood flow to the penis.  The inhibition of the PDE5 enzyme is the only function of Viagra, that's it's only mission, hence the reason why the answer to the original question of 'Does Horny Goat Weed work like Viagra?' can be 'Yes', due to the fact that Horny Goat Weed also inhibits the PDE5 enzyme and so as a result helps men remedy the symptoms of ED.


As mentioned in the 'Similarity' section above both Viagra and Horny Goat Weed are successful PDE5 inhibitors however they are different within this area.  Viagra is a drug that has been formulated in order to be a very powerful PDE5 inhibitor compared to that of Horny Goat Weed which is a much more gentle approach.  This, in turn, means that the effects of Viagra will be seen within approximately 30 minutes of taking a dosage, whereas with Horny Goat Weed the PDE5 blocking effects build up over a period of weeks and sometimes even months.  The benefit with Horny Goat Weed in this area is that the herb allows for a much more long-term solution to Erectile Dysfunction and trains the body to block the PDE5 enzyme as it did previously when functioning correctly. Also, another major plus side to this more gentle and long-term approach of Horny Goat Weed is that the chance of encountering negative side effects is simply minute in comparison to Viagra where the majority will encounter one or more of the extensive list of Viagra side effects such as; a red (flushed) face, headaches and blocked nose.

The other major difference between these two ED treatments is that Horny Goat Weed doesn't just tackle the function of a male erection like that of Viagra, Horny Goat Weed has another action within its artillery, which is one of the major reasons why this herbal extract is the most popular Viagra alternative to date.  Horny Goat Weed contains an active element within the plant called icariin and it's this icariin element within this extract that's responsible for the PDE5 actions discussed above, however that's not all because very uniquely icariin also promotes the production and efficient use of free circulating levels of testosterone around the male body which results in a simultaneous increase in actual sexual desire or as more commonly referred to as sex drive.  This dual-action of Horny Goat Weed is the key reason why it's noted as the king of herbal aphrodisiacs in the herbal supplement world as many of you men will know that no matter how much Viagra you've taken if you're lacking in sexual desire the Viagra doesn't cut it and you're left once again making excuses for why you can't 'get it up' tonight.


This article was is not about trying to make one ED treatment method look worse or better than the other impotence treatment, but rather an honest and insightful comparison.  Men who suffer solely from erection problems and don't experience the bad side effects when taking Viagra have great success with this treatment method, however, those men who do suffer from both erectile dysfunction and low sex drive simultaneously and/or experience many of the bad side effects of Viagra, will benefit enormously from taking a good quality high icariin strength Horny Goat Weed supplement as this is an ideal long-term solution for those battling with both impotence and sex drive symptoms.